
ACU-RITE 3500i 155
7. 2 C a n n e d C y c l e s
Drill Pattern Cycle
Use the automatic hole pattern cycle to program partial or full
pattern hole grids. You can use this for a corner pattern when holes
are required only on four corners. It calculates the hole locations
from the entered variables. You can also rotate the pattern around
the starting hole location. A drill cycle must be programmed prior to
this. You must cancel the cycle after the pattern is completed.
You can use [A and D] or [U and V], but not both combinations.
Positive and negative values are allowed in all variable words
except: B, and E.
G-code format: G179
Do not program RMS with the drill pattern cycle.
Field Code Description
# XHoles B Number of holes in X-axis. (Required)
# YHoles E Number of holes in Y-axis. (Required)
Type W Select Pattern for a drilled hole pattern, or
select Square for a perimeter drilled hole
XStart X Absolute X position of start hole. (Required)
YStart Y Absolute Y position of start hole. (Required)
XIncr U Increment between holes in X-axis. Can be
used instead of A.
YIncr V Increment between holes in Y-axis. Can be
used instead of D.
Angle C Angle to rotate the hole pattern. Default is
0 degrees (3 o'clock position).
X Length A Length of pattern in X-axis. If used, U
cannot be given.
Y Width D Width of pattern in Y-axis. If used, V cannot
be given.