Acu-Rite CNC 3500i Router User Manual

214 7 Programming: Canned Cycles, sub-programs
7.3 Probing Cycles
Tool Breakage, Length and Diameter Wear Detection
Checks the tool and gives an alarm if not within tolerance. Length
and Diameter Wear - Check the Length and/or Diameter and
updates the Length and/or Diameter wear registers up to a
user-defined limit. Once the user-defined limit has been reached,
the cycle gives an alarm and the program stops.
Field Code Description
Tool# T Tool number. (Required)
The T cycle parameter is the tool number
you want checked.
EstDiam D This is the rough diameter on the bottom of
the tool. (Optional)
The diameter specified in this parameter
should be roughly the diameter on the
bottom of the tool that you want to be over
the center of the probe stylus. If you have a
left-handed tool, you would give a negative
value to this diameter so the spindle turns
on forward verses reverse. When stepping
over for checking the diameter of the tool,
this cycle uses the diameter in the tool table
for the tool being checked.
K The maximum length wear value limit. The
cycle checks to see if the cutter length has
changed by more than this amount and
triggers the alarm, stopping the program if
exceeded. If not set, the cycle does not
check the tool length. (Optional)
At least one, K or J must be set or the cycle
J The maximum diameter wear value limit.
The cycle checks to see if the cutter
diameter has changed by more than this
amount and alarms, stopping the program if
exceeded. If not set, the cycle does not
check the tool diameter. (Optional)
At least one, K or J must be set or the cycle