184 7 Programming: Canned Cycles, sub-programs
7.2 Canned Cycles
Slot Cycle
Use the Slot Cycle to mill a slot.
A slot is defined by a center (X,Y), length, width, and depth.
If X and Y variable words are not programmed, the CNC will use the
current position as the slot center. The tool needs to be positioned
at the center of the slot.
The XY plane must be selected prior to the slot cycle block;
otherwise, an error is displayed.
Activate a tool prior to programming slot cycle so that the CNC will
know the cutter diameter.
Field Code Description
Length M Length of pocket in X-axis. (Required)
Width W Width of pocket in Y-axis. (Required)
StartHgt H Z absolute starting height (0.1” or 2 mm
above surface). Executed in rapid.
ZDepth Z Absolute depth of pocket. (Required)
StepOver A The distance the tool steps over (width of
cut) in the X and Y axes as it mills out the
pocket. Defaults to tool radius, which is the
DepthCut B The depth of each cut per pass. Defaults to
tool diameter. Max is the full ZDepth in
parameter Z, less bottom finish stock. A
negative value will cause the finish pass to
finish the side walls in steps down.
Angle C The angle in degrees by which the slot is
rotated. The center of rotation lies in the
center of the slot. Default is 0 degrees.
XCenter X X coordinate of the pocket center point.
Defaults to current position.
YCenter Y Y coordinate of the pocket center point.
Defaults to current position.