ACU-RITE 3500i 129
7.1 Explaining Basic Cycles
Arc Move - Radius and EndPoint:
The following is a description of the menu fields.
Field Code Description
Direction E Specifies a clockwise (CW) or
counterclockwise (CCW) arc direction.
Radius R Radius of the arc. Positive value for an
included angle less than 180 degrees,
negative value for an included angle greater
than 180 degrees. (Required)
X X Absolute position of, or incremental
distance to, the desired X-Axis destination.
Y Y Absolute position of, or incremental
distance to, the desired Y-Axis destination.
Z Z Absolute position of, or incremental
distance to, the desired Z-Axis destination.
Feed F Feedrate at which to conduct the
machining movement.
CornerRad A Positive arc radius for corner rounding,
negative X/Y distance for chamfering.
ToolComp T Select the modal tool diameter
compensation to activate or select Off to
deactivate comp.