
ACU-RITE 3500i 145
7.1 Explaining Basic Cycles
Repeat Blocks
The Repeat command allows a series of previously programmed
blocks to be repeated one time. Wherever it is used, the repeated
blocks will be processed, just as if they were written in the program at
that point. For more advanced features including repeating more than
once, use the Loop command as an alternative. The Loop command
requires the use of a sub-program, whereas the Repeat command
does not. Refer to Section 7.4 sub-programs for information on the
Loop command.
Conversational format: Repeat
When using a Modal Drilling Cycle with the Repeat feature, a DrillOff
or non-move command must be included as the final block.
Repeat Cycle Program example: blocks 7-12 and block 15
Field Code Description
Repeat R The first block number at which to begin the
single repetition. (required)
Thru T The last block number in the group of
blocks to be repeated. (required)
Block Description
1 Dim Abs
2Unit Inch
3 Offset Fixture# 0
4 Rapid X 0.0000 Y 0.0000
5 Tool# 1
6 Rapid Z 0.1000
7 BasicDrill ZDepth -“0.50000 StartHgt
0.10000 Feed 15.
8 Rapid X 1.00000
9 Y 1.0000
10 X 0.0000