ACU-RITE 3500i 367
11.2 G-Code and M-Code Definitions
G-Code Description Label
G169 Use to mill irregular pockets. Irregular Pocket Cycle
G170 Facing cycles simplify the programming required to face the
surface of a part.
Face Mill Cycle
G171 The Circular Profile Cycle cleans up the inside or outside profile of
an existing circle.
Circular Profile Cycle
G172 The Rectangular Profile Cycle cleans up the inside or outside
profile of a rectangle.
Rectangular Profile Cycle
G175 Start of Mill Cycle. Mill Cycle
G176 The mill cycle is terminated with the end mill block; at which
point, it rapids up to the Start Height and rapids to the X and Y
location specified. If X and Y are not specified the tool remains in
the current position.
End Mill Cycle
G177 Use the plunge circular pocket cycle for carbide tooling, when a
multiple-axis ramp-in move is not possible. The Z-axis plunges
(single-axis) to programmed depths.
Plunge Circ Pocket Cycle
G178 Use the plunge rectangular pocket cycle for carbide tooling,
where a multiple-axis ramp-in move is not possible. The Z-axis
plunges (single-axis) to the programmed depth.
Plunge Rect Pocket
G179 Use the automatic hole pattern canned cycle to program partial or
full pattern hole grids. Also used for a corner pattern when holes
are required only on four corners.
Drill Pattern Cycle
G181 Use the thread mill cycle for cutting inside or outside threads. It
cuts either Inch or MM, left or right hand, and Z movement up or
down. A single tooth, or multi-toothed tool may be used.
Thread Mill Cycle
G190 Use the engrave cycle to engrave part numbers, legends, or any
alpha/numeric inscription. The usual type of cutter is a sharp point
or center-drill type tool.
Engrave Cycle
G191 Use the arc engrave cycle to engrave part numbers, legends, or
any alpha/numeric inscription in an arc. The usual type of cutter is
a sharp point or center-drill type tool.
Arc Engrave Cycle
G210 Use the slot cycle to mill a slot. Slot Cycle
G211 Use the circular slot cycle to mill a slot along a circular path. Circular Slot Cycle
F Use to set the feed rate. Feed rate