ACU-RITE 3500i 193
7. 2 C a n n e d C y c l e s
Engraving Cycles
Engraving cycles provides a quick and easy way to engrave part
numbers, legends, or any alpha/numeric inscription. The usual type of
cutter is a sharp point or center drill type tool. Options are given for
engraving on an angle (G190), rotating by a certain angle (G191) and
mirror is supported for engraving molds.
When executed, the CNC rapids to the start point, then to the
StartHgt (the "H" parameter). It then feeds to the ZDepth (the "Z"
parameter) specified and begins cutting the Text selected.
Programming the Engrave Cycle
To program the Engrave Cycle:
In Edit mode, touch Other Cycles, then touch Linear Engrave, cycle
to display the Engrave Cycle menu.
Complete the entry fields, and touch USE.
Field Code Description
Text A Text string which is to be engraved. All
ASCII characters within the range of
x032 - x126 are allowed, which includes
Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers, and
Punctuation (maximum 80 characters in
Text string). (Required)
StartHgt H Z absolute start height. Must be higher than
ZDepth (the "Z" parameter). (Required)
ZDepth Z Z absolute depth of engraving. Must be
below StartHgt (the "H" parameter).
Height E Letter height. Width is proportional to
height. Height is measured at the centerline
of the cutter. (Required)
Font Q Font type to be used.
(Q1) Simple is a standard appearance.
(Q2) Stencil is a stenciled appearance.
(Q3) Stick has no rounded movements, only
straight moves. Default is Simple.