Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 111
download_fcode <filename>
Downloads the specified FCode image file to the HBA.
emlxadm> download_fcode LP10000DC-S.fcode
Image Components: REL type size=33848
DWC file: BOOT: version=03841512, 1.50a2
Current: Fcode: 1.50a1
New: Fcode: 1.50a2 33848 (0x8438) bytes
Are you sure you want to download this image? (y or n): y
Result: Operation successful.
Returns the current firmware revision of the HBA.
emlxadm> get_fw_rev
Firmware revision: LP10000DC-S 1.90a3
download_fw <filename>
Downloads the specified firmware image file to the HBA.
emlxadm> download_fw LP10000DC-S.fw
Image Components: NOP type
AWC file: KERN: version=ff801315, 1.30a5
DWC file: SLI2: version=07831914, 1.90a4
DWC prog: TEST: version=00f51010, 1.00a0
DWC prog: STUB: version=02881914, 1.90a4
DWC prog: SLI1: version=06831914, 1.90a4
DWC prog: SLI2: version=07831914, 1.90a4
Current: Firmware: 1.90a3
New: Firmware: 1.90a4 366712 (0x59878) bytes
Are you sure you want to download this image? (y or n): y
Note: If the file name is not provided, the program attempts to identify the adapter model,
then downloads a default FCode image file, if one is available.
Note: If the file name is not provided, the program attempts to identify the adapter model,
then downloads a default firmware image file, if one is available.