Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 161
Use Cases
Note: The concurrent production use of emlxs (Leadville) and lpfc on a given server is not supported. Transient co-
existence is required in some migration use cases but must be discontinued before going into production.
Different use cases will drive different migration scenarios:
The unsupported sample migration scripts include support for migration in Sun Cluster environments.
This revision does not cover migration of a boot drive, or of logical unit numbers (LUNs) accessed
through multipathing software such as EMC PowerPath or Veritas DMP, or of volume managers such as
Sun SVM or Veritas VxVM.
Existing lpfc Configuration Targeted FC Environment See Section…
x64 and x86 Not applicable All cases Installing or Updating the
FCA Utilities Using the
emlxu_install Script on
page 5
SPARC No Emulex lpfc driver emlxs (any supported HBA) Introduction on page 1
Existing lpfc driver, no FC boot emlxs (any supported HBA) Introduction on page 1
Lpfc to emlxs migration with FC boot Migrating a Configuration
with FC Boot on page 166
Emulex HBAs – not
emlxs supported
Supported Emulex HBAs Migrating Non-emlxs HBAs
to emlxs HBAs on page 166
Emulex HBAs Sun-branded HBAs Migrating an lpfc
Configuration to emlxs –
Adding Sun-Branded HBAs
on page 168