Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 125
The display comprises three parts: the current driver configuration table, a list of available commands
and the emlxdrv prompt.
The driver configuration table contains the following columns of data:
• Driver. Indicates which driver (emlxs, lpfc or "-" if none) is currently configured to bind or attach
to a specific adapter alias.
• Alias. Indicates the specific adapter alias associated with a set of Emulex HBA models. Driver
bindings can be made only with a specific adapter alias and not with a specific adapter model.
• Present. Indicates whether this specific type of adapter is currently present in the host system.
Emlxdrv allows you to bind a driver to adapters that are not currently present in the system but
that may be present in the future.
• Boot. Indicates whether this specific type of HBA currently provides connectivity to the system's
boot disk. This is important because the emlxdrv utility does not allow you to change the driver
binding to an HBA currently providing connectivity to the boot disk. If the driver binding must be
changed to the system boot disk, the system must first be configured to boot through another
type of HBA. The procedure to change to another type of HBA that will provide connectivity to
the system’s boot disk is not in the scope of this document, but is included in the FC Boot User
Manual (the FC Boot User Manual for your HBA is available in the support pages of the Emulex
Web site).
• Sun. Indicates whether this specific type of adapter is branded and sold directly by Sun
• Models. Provides a list of Emulex HBA models that are identified by a common adapter alias.
Driver bindings can be made only with a specific adapter alias and not with a specific adapter
After the driver configuration table is a list of available commands. For a detailed explanation of each
command and its arguments, see
Command Descriptions (emlxdrv) on page 126.
Below the command list is an emlxdrv> prompt. From this point, the utility is prompt driven. When the
prompt is displayed, you must enter one of the commands in the list. The current driver configuration
table and the available command list are displayed automatically after each command is issued.
Some commands require an additional <alias> argument. You must specify one of the valid adapter
aliases listed in the current driver configuration table. Each alias is shared by multiple adapter models.
Driver bindings can be made only with an adapter alias and not with a specific adapter model.
To exit the program, enter q.
CLI Mode (emlxdrv)
The emlxdrv utility program can be run in CLI mode by typing the name of the program followed by a
valid command and any required command arguments. For example, you can update the a device
binding by entering all the information on one line at the operating system prompt:
# emlxdrv set_emlxs f980
Updating f980 ...
Driver Alias Present Boot Sun Models
emlxs lpfs no no no LP8000S and LP9002S (SBUS)
- f800 no no no LP8000 and LP8000DC
lpfc f900 yes no no LP9002, LP9002C, LP9002DC, and LP9402DC
lpfc f980 no no no LP9802 and LP9802DC
emlxs fa00 yes no no LP10000, LP10000DC and LP10000ExDC
emlxs fd00 no no no LP11000 and LP11002
emlxs fe00 no no no LPe11000 and LPe11002