Polycom 2000/4000 Saw User Manual

Chapter 13-IVR Services
2 Define the following parameters:
Table 13-3 Conference IVR Service Properties - Global Parameters
Field/Option Description
Conference IVR
Service Name
Enter the name of the Conference IVR Service. The
maximum field length is 20 characters and may be
typed in Unicode.
Language For
Select the language of the audio messages and
prompts from the list of languages defined in the
Supported languages. The default language is
English. For more information, see "Adding
Languages” on page 13-4.
External Server
You can configure the IVR Service to use an external
database application to verify a participant’s right to
join the conference. For more information, see
Appendix D: "Conference Access with External
Database Authentication” on page D-6.
Select one of the following options:
Never – The participant’s right to join the
conference will not be verified with an external
database application (default).
Always – Any participant request to join the
conference is validated with the external database
application using a password.
Upon Request – Only the participant request to
join the conference as chairperson is validated
with the external database application using a
password. The validation process occurs only
when the participant enters the chairperson
identifier key.
Number of User
Input Retries
Enter the number of times the participant will be able
to respond to each menu prompt before being
disconnected from the conference. Range is between
1-4, and the default is 3.
Timeout for User
Input (Sec)
Enter the duration in seconds that the system will wait
for the participant’s input before prompting for another
input. Range is between 1-10, and the default value is
5 seconds.