Appendix B-Alarms and Faults
SIP TLS: Failed to load or verify certificate
This alarm indicates that the certificate files required for
SIP TLS could not be loaded to the RMX. Possible
causes are:
• Incorrect certificate file name. Only files with the
following names can be loaded to the system:
rootCA.pem, pkey.pem, cert.pem and
• Wrong certificate file type. Only files of the following
types can be loaded to the system: rootCA.pem,
pkey.pem and cert.pem and certPassword.txt
• The contents of the certificate file does not match the
system parameters
SIP TLS: Registration handshake failure This alarm indicates a mismatch between the security
protocols of the OCS and the RMX, preventing the
Registration of the RMX to the OCS.
SIP TLS: Registration server not
This alarm is displayed when the RMX does not receive
a response from the OCS to the registration request in
the expected time frame. Possible causes are:
• The RMX FQDN name is not defined in the OCS
pool, or is defined incorrectly.
• The time frame for the expected response was too
short and it will be updated with the next data refresh.
The alarm may be cleared automatically the next
time the data is refreshed.
• The RMX FQDN name is not defined in the DNS
server. Ping the DNS using the RMX FQDN name to
ensure that the RMX is correctly registered to the
SIP TLS: Registration transport error This alarm indicates that the communication with the SIP
server cannot be established. Possible causes are:
• Incorrect IP address of the SIP server
• The SIP server listening port is other than the one
defined in the system
• The OCS services are stopped
Smart Report found errors on hard disk Smart Report found errors on hard disk.
Table B-1 Alarms (Continued)
Alarm Code Alarm Description