Barco DCS-100 Welding System User Manual

140 DCS-100 • User’s Guide
Remote Commands
-h (hue): -90 - +90 (Default: 0)
Query Format: IHUE -i (input) -?
Query Response: IHUE -i (input) -h (hue) --min -90 --max 90
Description: Maps the input file configuration for the selected input.
Command Format: IMAP -i (input) -f (file)
Parameters: -i (input):1 - 9
-f (file): 1 - 64
Query Format: IMAP -i (input) -?
Query Response: IMAP -i (input) -f (file)
Description: Input RGB Brightness Adjust. This command is only valid for
formats with RGB color space.
Command Format: IRBRT -i (input) -r (red) -g (green) -b (blue)
-i (input): 1 - 8
-r (red): -25.0% - 25.0% (Default: 0%)
-g (green): -25.0% - 25.0% (Default: 0%)
-b (blue): -25.0% - 25.0% (Default: 0%)
Query Format: IRBRT -i input -?
Query Response:
IRBRT -i (input) -r (red) -g (green) -b (blue) --min -25 --max 25
Description: Input RGB Contrast Adjust. This command is only valid for formats
with RGB color space.
Command Format: IRCNT -i (input) -r (red) -g (green) -b (blue)
-i (input): 1 - 8
-r (red): -25.0% - 25.0% (Default: 0%)
-g (green): -25.0% - 25.0% (Default: 0%)
-b (blue): -25.0% - 25.0% (Default: 0%)
Query Format: IRCNT -i (input) -?
Query Response:
IRCNT -i (input) -r(red) -g(green) -b(blue) --min 75 --max 125