DCS-100 • User’s Guide 17
About the DCS-100
To support File Association, a number of menus, submenus, and commands have
been modified or added. These additions and modifications are listed in this
section and detailed later in this guide.
~ File Association Menu
The System Menu now includes a File Association option that lets you
associate one or more configuration files to each of the nine inputs (1
through 8 and SDI), change or recall a configuration file for an input, and
delete configuration files.
~ Recall Config Menu
To support File Association, the Input Menu has been modified to
include the Recall Config submenu. This submenu lets you restore a
configuration file to the input currently on Program. For more information,
refer to the “Recall Config” section on page 65.
~ Changes to the Save Config and Delete Config operations
Save Config and Delete Config now support saving or deleting any
configuration file, even files not associated with the current input. For
more information, refer to the “Save Config” section on page 62, and the
“Delete Config
” section on page 64.
~ Command modifications
• A new command, IMAP, has been added to support the File
Association feature and the changes to the Save Config, Recall
Config, and Delete Config operations. For information about
this command, refer to the “IMAP
” section on page 140 in
Appendix B.
•The ISEL, ICSAV, ICDEL and ICREC commands now include a
-f (file) parameter, to support specifying the input configuration
file to select, save, delete, and recall. For more information,
refer to the following sections in Appendix B: the “ISEL
” section
on page 141, the “IMAP” section and “ICDEL” section on
page 136, and the “I
CREC” section on page 137.
• Auto Take
You can now transition input sources to Program without pressing TAKE, by
turning on the Auto Take feature in the User Preference Menu. For more
information, refer to the “A
uto Take” section on page 70.
• Executive Lockout Mode
In addition to supporting full front-panel lockout, the DCS-100 now supports
executive lockout mode. In executive mode, the front panel is locked from source
selections except for the nine Inputs buttons (1 through 8 and SDI) and LOGO,
allowing the user to transition from one source to another without pressing TAKE.
To support the addition of this mode, a new command, LOCKOUT, has been
added. For more information, refer to the “Executive Lockout Mode
” section on
page 99 and the “LOCKOUT
” section on page 150 in Appendix B.
• Multiple Full-screen Logos
You can now create, save, and delete up to three full-screen logos. For more
information, refer to the “U
sing the LOGO” section on page 86.