24 Administrator’s Guide SurfControl RiskFilter - E-mail V5.2.4
SurfControl RiskFilter stores messages that have been isolated. Initially these messages will be stored in
the default directory. If you want RiskFilter to store messages in a different place, you must change the
default directories within the Logs and Archives screen.
Figure 2 - 13 The Logs and Archives screen
Setting up the storage directories
You can set up directories to hold log files, spam messages etc. using the Directories screen.
To set up directories:
1Select General > Directories from the System Settings tab.
2 Define how log files will be stored and how they will be treated when this happens:
• Directory to store log files – If you don’t want to use the default location, enter the path to the
required directory into this field.
• Days to keep log files – Leave this field blank to store log files indefinitely. If you enter a number
into this field, the log file will be deleted after this length of time has passed.
• Zip log files older than... – Enter a number of days into the field then any log file that has been
stored for this length of time will be zipped.
• Keep maximum storage size at ... MB and remove old ones on a FIFO basis - specify that
once the storage size of isolated messages reaches a certain size then the oldest will be deleted
so the newest can be stored.
3 If there are no other directories that you want to set, click Submit.
4 The Archived messages directory enables you to specify where archived messages are stored.
Caution: Zip files will be deleted along with any other log files, so you should move any zip
files that you want to keep indefinitely out of this directory.