Surf Control 5.2.4 Welder User Manual

SurfControl RiskFilter - E-mail V5.2.4 Administrator’s Guide 31
Receive Settings
Reject mail from senders when SPF softfails – When SPF checking finds that the senders
domain does not match the published SPF policy and ends with a SoftFail, reject the mail.
Reject mail from senders when there is an SPF error – When SPF checking finds that the
senders domain has published an erroneous SPF record, reject the mail.
3 Enter the domain name you want to relay into the domain field.
Adding one domain e.g. will only accept messages from this domain.
Adding the domain with an asterisk e.g. * will accept messages from this domain
and any sub-domains.
4 Click Add>>, the domain will be added to the list on the right. If you want to delete any domain from
this list, select the domain then click <<Remove to delete it.
Allowing relaying to specific domains
You can configure E-mail Filter Appliance to only receive and relay messages that will be sent to specific
domains. Messages sent to other domains will be rejected. You can add domains manually, or import lists
of domains in a batch. These could be a list you have created and stored on the network or a list that you
have previously exported from another appliance.
To manually add domains for relaying:
1 Enter the domain into the ‘domain’ text field.
2 Click Add. This will add the domain to the list. Click Remove to remove it.
3 Click Submit.
Importing lists of domains. You can import a list of domains to the appliance. This list must be a text
file with the following properties:
The charset must be UTF-8 if the files contains Chinese or Japanese characters.
Each line is a domain name with leading and trailing spaces trimmed.
The domain name is case insensitive.
When the file is scanned, an empty line is ignored.
Lines starting with # or / are considered to be comments so are skipped.
Invalid domains are ignored.
An example of this type of file would be:
Note: These options appear when you select the Perform SPF checking against e-mail sender
check box.