Surf Control 5.2.4 Welder User Manual

50 Administrator’s Guide SurfControl RiskFilter - E-mail V5.2.4
User Management
Description – This lists the product that is filtering spam messages. You can change the default
title by entering your own details here.
Sender – The default setting is postmaster@$(domain). You can change this to something that
more closely reflects your company set up, if necessary.
Subject – As this will appear in the Inbox of the users e-mail client, it is a good idea to enter a title
that will immediately draw their attention, e.g. ‘You have isolated e-mail waiting’.
Header – You can replace the default The following messages are believed to be spam
message with a message of your own.
Footer – You can change the default message so that it provides information on who to contact if
they have a problem, for example the administrator’s e-mail address or telephone number.
3 Once you have enabled PEM you can choose who has access to it by entering their details into the
Recipients List section. There are two options in this section:
All except the list below – Every user on the system will be able to use PEM and will receive
messages unless their details are entered into the Enter recipient address: field.
Select this option to change RiskFilter from the default setting. This way, if you have not added a
list of users, everyone will still have access to this feature.
Only the list below – Only the users listed in the Enter recipient address: field will receive
messages and will be able to manage their own spam. With this option checked you MUST enter a
list of users otherwise, even with PEM enabled, it will not work.
4 You can use wildcards to widen the range of addresses without having to enter them individually.
5 Once you have set up your message template click Submit. A message reflecting this style will now
be sent to users when they have spam e-mail messages waiting.
Figure 2 - 31
What the user sees: Personal E-mail Manager
Note: You must enter the e-mail address in a valid format. This address might not even exist,
but it must be in the correct form: XXXX@XXX.XXX, without any spaces.