Managing Protocol Properties
Chapter 5 Managing Object Properties 159
Managing Protocol Properties
You can set or modify the properties of an individual protocol, as well as being able
to set properties globally.
To Modify Individual Protocol Properties
1 In the Network portion of the navigation tree, right-click the protocol and choose
The Protocol Properties screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 82:
Figure 82 Protocol Properties Screen
2 In Label, specify a new label to be displayed in the navigation tree.
3 In Notifications, specify the type, if any, of notifications that you want:
■ E-mail: Select the check box to send threshold-crossing e-mail notifications for
each indicator.
■ SNMP: Select the check box to send threshold-crossing SNMP traps to the SNMP
4 In Other Properties, select Enable Polling to collect the object counters.
5 Click Apply Changes.
Managing Host Root Properties
You can set or modify the properties of an individual host root, as well as being able
to set properties globally.