
Locating Individual DashBoards in the Navigation Tree
278 PATROL DashBoard User Guide
To Stop the Module on Windows
1 On the Windows computer where the PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition
server resides, navigate to the
Services window of the Windows Control Panel.
2 In the Services list, select PATROL DashBoard Corporate and then click Stop.
To Stop the Module on Unix
Navigate to the installation directory (the default is
/opt/bmc/PATROL_DashBoard_Corporate) and type the following command:
As an alternative, you can stop the server by specifying the full path, as follows:
To automate the command, see your Unix system documentation.
Locating Individual DashBoards in the
Navigation Tree
To view the individual PATROL DashBoard servers in the Corporate Edition system,
DashBoards in the navigation tree, as shown in Figure 145:
Figure 145 DashBoards Root in the Corporate Edition Module Navigation Tree