Displaying Indicators
Chapter 7 Managing and Viewing Indicators 207
If you click a graph, that graph is displayed in full-page mode, as shown in
Figure 119:
Figure 119 Example of a Graph in Full-Page Mode
In the full page mode, you can access the following additional information:
■ the average value for each time period
If you point the cursor at a bar in the graph, the average value for the time period
represented by that bar is displayed in the box at the lower right.
■ the line graph of the collected peaks
If you point the cursor at a point on the line, the exact value for that maximum is
displayed in the box at the lower right, as shown in Figure 119.
■ threshold settings
If you point the cursor at the green line, the value for the minimum threshold is
displayed in the box at the lower right; if you point at the red line, the value for the
maximum threshold is displayed in the box. Also, you can drag the lines to new
positions to change the threshold values, or click the lines and enter new values.
■ the scale modification control (lower left)
If you point the cursor at the arrow in the scale modification control and slide it to
the left and right, you can adjust the vertical scale of the graph so that you can
zoom in and clearly see differences in values from one time period to the next and
zoom out again to ensure that you can see the lines for the thresholds. For more
information, see “Modifying the Scale” on page 209.