About Reports
242 PATROL DashBoard User Guide
To Configure Reports
1 In the User Management portion of the navigation tree, expand Reports and then
click a user in the tree.
The user’s
Reports screen is displayed. Figure 124 illustrates the content of the
vertically oriented screen in a horizontal format:
Figure 124 User Reports
2 In Type of report sent by E-Mail, select whether you want one file or separate files:
■ Separated Files: provides each report in its own file
■ One Big File: provides all selected reports in a single file
3 In the other sections, specify the information as applicable:
■ In Notification Period: Specify the appropriate option:
Never: clears selection; no report of this type is sent
Daily: sends the report each day
Weekly: sends the report at the end of each week (Sunday)
■ In Top N: Specify the number of elements (or pairs for Top Talkers reports) to
include in the report. N must be limited to 100 to avoid probe saturation.
■ In Authorized Sources Indicators: Select the indicators for the report (for more
information, see “Diagnostics Report” on page 247).