Indicator Definitions
216 PATROL DashBoard User Guide
Class Dropped
Class Load
Class Network Delay
Reported for CoSs or classifiers of CB-QoS MIB (Cisco devices), ToSs, or ToS roots
Description number of packets dropped by queuing, traffic shaping, or policing mechanism for
a CoS or a ToS (defined in QoS policies)
For a ToS root, this indicator reports an aggregate of the same indicator for its
subordinate ToSs.
Units packets per second (pps) or percentage of dropped packets
■ for CoS: minimum 30%–maximum 50%
■ for ToS or ToS root: minimum 500 pps–maximum 2,000 pps
Points to check CoS workload
Reported for CoSs or classifiers of CB-QoS MIB (Cisco devices), or traffic shaper classes
Description load of a class
Units percentage
■ for CoS or classifier: minimum 30%–maximum 50%
■ for traffic shaper class: none
Points to check CoS workload
Reported for traffic shaper classes
Description network delay for this class
Units milliseconds (ms)
minimum 5 ms–maximum 20 ms
Points to check class