Reinstalling PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition Module
Chapter 9 Installing and Using PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition 271
■ If you are reinstalling in a Unix environment, this installation requires an X11
environment. The X11 environment is available on the PATROL DashBoard server
computer. If you are installing from a remote computer, you must create a display
environment variable by entering the
export DISPLAY=name:0 command from
a Unix console, where name is the name of the remote computer. If you do not do
this, the installation of PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition will fail.
To Reinstall PATROL DashBoard Corporate Edition Module
1 Insert the product CD into the CD-ROM drive.
If the CD-ROM does not start automatically, ensure that you are in the root
directory of the CD and issue the appropriate one of the following commands:
■ setup.exe (Windows)
■ setup.sh (Unix)
2 In the Welcome to the Installation Utility window, click Next.
3 Review the license agreement, select Accept, and click Next.
4 In the Select Installation Option window, select Install products on this computer
and click Next.
5 In the Specify Installation Directory window, specify the directory where BMC
Software products are installed and click
The default directory is
■ \Program Files\BMC Software (Windows)
■ /opt/bmc (Unix)
6 From the Select Products and Components to Install window, select PATROL
DashBoard Corporate
and click Next.
The installation program detects the current installation of the product. If version
6.7 is already installed in the specified directory, the DashBoard Corporate 6.7.00
Already Installed screen is displayed, and it prompts you to confirm that you want
to reinstall version 6.7.
7 In the Corporate DashBoard 6.7.00 Already Installed window, select Yes and click
8 In the PATROL DashBoard Corporate installation subdirectory window, specify
the subdirectory that you want to create and that will contain the product and click