
A2677 Rev 1.5
X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Service Bulletins
Pressure Relief
Sprayers tted with the Raven Flow Regulator Valve and a Positive
Displacement (Piston or Diaphragm) pump require the tting of a
Pressure Relief Valve to the Sprayer.
The Raven Fast Flow Valve switches to Dump when the sectional
switches or Master switch are turned off. With the Topcon system this
can make the time to obtain spraying pressure slow. To rectify this, a
manual Pressure Relief Valve is tted to the system which then allows
rate to be achieved within 3 seconds.
The other benet of tting the pressure relief valve is that it will protect
the system from over pressurizing, other pressure damage and the pos-
sibility of hoses being "burst" off of their ttings. Fitting the
Pressure Relief Valve will also prevent the operator from getting
covered in chemical.
The Sprayer and Pump must be turned OFF and
there must be zero chemical in the system, when
fitting the Pressure Relief Valve.
Protective clothing, gloves and eyewear must be
used when fitting the Pressure Relief Valve.