X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Off Time
Off Time is the time the Sprayer looks ahead (in seconds) to switch
OFF the section valves.
Change the OFF Time by pressing the calculator icon and entering
the desired value, see Appendix A for more detail.
Coverage Map Offset
Coverage Map Offset allows for the coverage in the Guidance and
Treatment maps in the Maplink software to keep drawing for the
set time after the Spray Control turns the section valves OFF and
also when the section valves are switched ON.
This feature allows for no gaps to be left on the map.
Change the Covergae Map Offset by pressing the calculator icon
and entering the desired value, see Appendix A for more detail.
Show Virtual Road If Moving
When the Show Virtual Road If Moving option is selected the
Guidance Virtual Road will appear on the right side of the screen
when Guidance detects that the vehicle is moving.
ASC Master Button
The ASC Master button will appear on the logo Bar on the
Guidance Working screen. The ASC Master button will also be
displayed on the VRC screen, if the VRC software is loaded.
This button will be displayed when both Guidance and Spray
Rate Controller are selected from the Product Selection screen
and ASC is enabled in the Sprayer Software
When the ASC Master button is green ASC is switched ON.
When the ASC Master button is red ASC is switched OFF, and