A2677 Rev 1.5
X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Select Off if you want to be able to switch the Treatment button
ON and OFF (on the VRC [Maplink] screen), independently of the
Sprayer Master Switch.
Select Master Switch Only for the logging in the VRC to follow
the Master Switch.
Master ON means that logging is ON and Master OFF means that
logging is OFF.
Master Switch and Flow is usually selected when ASC is
enabled, see “Automatic Section Control (ASC)”, page 8-1.
If all the sections are switched OFF under ASC, but the Master
is still ON the logging will stop because there is no flow present.
Therefore logging will stop if all the sections are switched OFF, the
Master is switched OFF or the actual spray rate is ‘0’.
On Time
On Time is the time the Sprayer looks ahead (in seconds) to switch
ON the section valves.
Change the ON Time by pressing the calculator icon and entering
the desired value, see Appendix A for more detail.
When using Spray Rate Controller Version 1.98 or
later with X20 Guidance the On Time and Off Time
options are inaccessible in the X20 Guidance and
the values have to be entered in the Spray Rate
Controller Options>GPS page.