Topcon A2677 Paint Sprayer User Manual

A2677 Rev 1.5
X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Options 6-14
Options Window 6-14
Options Window, help and using A1
Other 8-66
effects 8-66
animate section valves 8-66
auto section click sound 8-66
faster manual switching 8-66
language 8-66
Parallel Guidance 10-24
POWER/COMMS Connector 5-3
Power Comms Harness 5-3
alternator 5-31
DB 9-Pin 5-3
starter motor 5-31
switched power connector 5-3
Presets 8-62
backup preset list 8-64
change cal factor 8-63
change preset list 8-62
save to list 8-63
Pressure Adaptor Harness 5-20
Pressure, monitoring 8-15
Pressure Readout 6-11
top left corner 6-11
Pressure Sensor 5-19
alarms 10-2
high pressure 10-2
low pressure 10-2
calibrating 10-3
correction factor 10-4
manual entry 10-4
installing 5-19
mounting 5-19
Pressure Sensor 1 5-8, 5-20
Pressure Sensor Setup 10-1
Previously Sprayed Areas 8-1
Product Selection Screen 6-2, 6-4
Proportional Valve Settings 8-21
Valve Options 8-21
Pr. Sense 8-13, 8-15
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Pump is On 6-11
Pump Speed 6-13
Quick Setup 7-6
Radar Sensor Interface Harness 5-6,
Raven 8-18
Raven Flow Sensor 8-40
Raven Regulator as Dump Valve
Raven STD Reg Valve 8-17
Registration 6-7
Regulator Valve 5-18
connecting to 5-18
opposite direction 5-19
pin allocation 5-19
Regulator Valve Adaptor Harness
Regulator Valve Settings 8-16
common Regulator Valves 8-17
Raven controller mode 8-19
Standard 8-16
Reg Valve 1 5-8
REG Valve 1 5-18