Chapter 1 Introducing the ZyWALL
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
Console Port
You can use the console port to manage the ZyWALL using CLI commands. See
the Command Reference Guide for more information about the CLI.
The default settings for the console port are as follows.
1.5 Starting and Stopping the ZyWALL
Here are some of the ways to start and stop the ZyWALL.
Always use Maintenance > Shutdown > Shutdown or the shutdown
command before you turn off the ZyWALL or remove the power. Not
doing so can cause the firmware to become corrupt.
Table 2 Console Port Default Settings
Speed 115200 bps
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bit 1
Flow Control Off
Table 3 Starting and Stopping the ZyWALL
Turning on the
A cold start occurs when you turn on the power to the ZyWALL. The
ZyWALL powers up, checks the hardware, and starts the system
Rebooting the
A warm start (without powering down and powering up again)
occurs when you use the Reboot button in the Reboot screen or
when you use the reboot command. The ZyWALL writes all cached
data to the local storage, stops the system processes, and then does
a warm start.
Using the RESET
If you press the RESET button, the ZyWALL sets the configuration
to its default values and then reboots.
Maintenance >
Shutdown >
Shutdown or
using the shutdown
Clicking Maintenance > Shutdown > Shutdown or using the
shutdown command writes all cached data to the local storage and
stops the system processes. Wait for the device to shut down and
then manually turn off or remove the power. It does not turn off the
Disconnecting the
Power off occurs when you turn off the power to the ZyWALL. The
ZyWALL simply turns off. It does not stop the system processes or
write cached data to local storage.