ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
38.1 Overview
Use schedules to set up one-time and recurring schedules for policy routes,
firewall rules, application patrol, and content filtering. The ZyWALL supports one-
time and recurring schedules. One-time schedules are effective only once, while
recurring schedules usually repeat. Both types of schedules are based on the
current date and time in the ZyWALL.
Note: Schedules are based on the ZyWALL’s current date and time.
38.1.1 What You Can Do in this Chapter
•Use the Schedule summary screen (Section 38.2 on page 612) to see a list of
all schedules in the ZyWALL.
•Use the One-Time Schedule Add/Edit screen (Section 38.2.1 on page 613) to
create or edit a one-time schedule.
•Use the Recurring Schedule Add/Edit screen (Section 38.2.2 on page 614) to
create or edit a recurring schedule.
38.1.2 What You Need to Know
One-time Schedules
One-time schedules begin on a specific start date and time and end on a specific
stop date and time. One-time schedules are useful for long holidays and vacation
Recurring Schedules
Recurring schedules begin at a specific start time and end at a specific stop time
on selected days of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday). Recurring schedules always begin and end in the same day.
Recurring schedules are useful for defining the workday and off-work hours.