Chapter 35 User/Group
ZyWALL USG 50 User’s Guide
35.3.1 Group Add/Edit Screen
The Group Add/Edit screen allows you to create a new user group or edit an
existing one. To access this screen, go to the Group screen (see Section 35.3 on
page 589), and click either the Add icon or an Edit icon.
Figure 337 Configuration > User/Group > Group > Add
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific
user group.
Group Name This field displays the name of each user group.
Description This field displays the description for each user group.
Member This field lists the members in the user group. Each member is separated
by a comma.
Table 173 Configuration > Object > User/Group > Group (continued)
Table 174 Configuration > User/Group > Group > Add
Name Type the name for this user group. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric
characters, underscores(
_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot
be a number. This value is case-sensitive. User group names have to be
different than user names.
Description Enter the description of the user group, if any. You can use up to 60
characters, punctuation marks, and spaces.