Using the Logic Editor
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 161
Mathematical Functions in Equation Networks
The following table lists the pre-defined math functions you can include in your
equation. Each of these functions takes one argument enclosed in brackets
following the function name. The argument can be any valid value or expression. For
example, COS(#35+40001) returns the cosine of 35 plus the number stored at
address 40001. In this table, X refers to a function’s argument (as in "COS(X)").
Function Description
ABS(S) Absolute value of X (i.e. negative numbers become positive).
ARCCOS(X) Arc cosine of X radians.
ARCSIN(X) Arc sine of X radians.
ARCTAN(X) Arc tangent of X radians.
COS(X) Cosine of X radians.
COSD(X) Cosine of X degrees.
EXP(X) Calculates e (approximately 2.7182818) to the Xth power.
FIX(X) Converts floating point number X to an integer.
FLOAT(X) Converts integer X to a floating point number.
LN(X) Natural (base e) logarithm of X.
LOG(X) Common (base 10) logarithm of X.
SIN(X) Sine of X radians.
SIND(X) Sine of X degrees.
SQRT(X) Square root of X.
TAN(X) Tangent of X radians.
TAND(X) Tangent of X degrees.