Using the Traffic Cop
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 165
Working with Drops and Racks
Drop Properties
Lists user-editable and calculated properties pertaining to the selected drop.
Available drop properties are:
Working with
In the traffic cop navigation panel, select the drop you want to work with.
From the right-click menu:
Property To Edit:
Drop Series Select a drop from the available Drop Series drop-down list box.
Hold-up Time Enter a hold-up time value (3 - 65,535).
Rack (1-x) Select a rack from the rack drop-down list box. (X represents the number
of racks available.)
ASCII Port Enter an ASCII port value.
Input Bits Read only - number of input bits used within the selected drop.
Output Bits Read only - number of output bits used within the selected drop.
Status Word Enter a 3xxxx address (holds the status information for the drop).
Read Only Select TRUE or FALSE from the available drop mode drop-down list box.
Note: Not all properties are available for all drops - i.e. a Quantum drop will not
have an ASCII port property.
Function Action Comment
To insert a drop: Select Insert. Inserting a drop inserts a drop above the
selected drop and moves existing drops
To edit a drop: Select Edit. You can edit the currently selected drop at
any time by editing properties in the Drop
Properties Panel.
To clear a drop: Select Clear. Clearing a drop clears all racks from the
selected drop.
To delete a drop: Select Delete. Deleting a drop deletes the currently
selected drop and moves the remaining
drops up.