Working with Projects
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Adjusting Scan
In the Emulation Properties tab:
From the project navigation panel:
Setting the Solve
Several solve modes are available to assist in emulating logic. You can set
Emulation to stop solving following any number of full sweeps, after a particular
network is solved, when a breakpoint is reached or to stop when certain logical
conditions are true or not true. You can change the solve mode by selecting Online
Commands → Start/Stop and selecting a solve mode radio button at anytime when
emulation is in a stopped state.
Setting the Solve
Mode to Sweep
In the start/stop dialog:
Solving by
In the start/stop dialog:
Step Action
1 Enter a scan time rate between 1 and 999 in the Scan Time field.
Note: This option does not speed up or slow down the emulator’s solving time.
It only affects how fast the timers increment.
2 Click OK to save the changes and return to ProWORX 32.
Step Action
1 To start emulation, select Online Commands
→ Start/Stop.
2 Set the emulator’s solve mode in the Start/Stop dialog. See Setting the Solve
Mode for more information.
3 To start emulation in continuous solve mode, click Start.
Step Action
1 Select the Sweep radio button.
2 Enter the number of times you want the logic to be solved before stopping in the
Number of Scans to Sweep field.
3 To the Spacebar to run another sweep.
Step Action
1 Select the Network radio button.
2 Logic is solved network-by-network in order of networks, starting at segment
one, network one. Press the Spacebar to solve the next network.