Working with Controllers
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Transferring Memory Contents to Controller EEPROM
Overview This function works only with Compact controllers. This function cannot be
performed while the controller is running. You must stop the controller first.
Tip: Memory Protect is a switch on your controller that stops you from altering the
controller’s contents. The Memory Protect switch should be ON or the card
overwrites memory on power up.
Memory to
From the project right-click menu in the navigation panel:
Note: Do not attempt the transfer operation if the controller’s battery is LOW as the
processor contents may be lost.
Step Action
1 Select Online Commands
→ Write → Transferring to Flash/EEPROM/
2 A-series Compact controllers have four enhanced EEPROM options which may
be set prior to transferring:
After power down, restore PLC to previous Run/Stop state.
Start PLC after download from EEPROM.
Save 4xxxx registers to EEPROM.
Optimized Mode - When selected, the controller can’t be edited while online.
3 Click Transfer. You are prompted to stop the controller if it is running.