372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 307
Address 1) On a communications network, the identifying number for a station such as a
2) In a computer’s or PLC’s memory, a location where data, usually a specific input
or output value is stored.
Address Used
A list of all I/O addresses in a controller, indicating which addresses are being used
in ladder logic instructions and which are not.
Analog Inputs (such as temperature) or outputs (such as motor speed) which can have a
range of values. Compare to Discrete.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
1) A way of encoding the standard text (the letters, numbers, etc. on your keyboard)
your computer generates.
2) A data transmission mode for Modbus communications which sends and receives
standard text. ASCII mode used 7 data bits while RTU mode uses 8.
ASCII Message A text message transmitted or received by a programmable controller. These
messages are sent to or from a terminal through an ASCII port.
A register that accepts keyboard input for command and value entry in the Network