Getting Started
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002 17
Authorizing ProWORX 32
Opening the
From the Windows Start menu:
Using the
After opening the authorization wizard:
Step Action
1 Select Programs
→ ProWORX 32 → Authorization.
Step Action
1 Select which task you would like to perform:
Authorize this PC: Sets up the PC you are currently using to run ProWORX
Transfer Authorization: Transfers authorization from one PC to another.
Enter received code: If already registered, you are taken directly to the
Entering Authorization Code screen.
When you have made a selection, click Next.
2 Select which method you would prefer to authorize ProWORX 32 by, and click
Authorize by Phone: A message box is displayed containing a customer
support phone number and the customer support hours of operation. Click
OK to return to the authorization application.
Authorize by Fax: A fax page is printed containing the information you have
entered and a number to send the fax to.
Authorize by Multi-User License Diskette: This option is used strictly for
uncopyprotected versions in which a diskette has been provided by
Schneider Electric. The contents of the diskette will be transferred onto your
Authorize by Email: An email is sent to customer support containing the
information you have entered.
Authorize by Web: You will be directed to a web page at the Schneider
Electric web site where the information that you have entered will be
displayed and an authorization number will be generated for you.
3 Select which product you want to authorize and click Next:
Online Only Client: Access to online only portions of ProWORX 32.
Lite Client: Access to Momentum, Compact, and Micro controllers only.
Full Development Client: Full access to all features of ProWORX 32.
Server: Full access to the ProWORX Server.
4 Enter all of your personal information in the User Information screen and click
Next. If you would like to view our privacy policy, click Privacy Policy.