Performance Verification
AWG710 Service Manual
The instrument includes internal calibration routines that check electrical
characteristics such as offset, attenuations and filters. Perform calibration to
adjust internal calibration constants as necessary. This procedure describes how
to do the internal calibration.
Prerequisites Power on the instrument and allow a 20 minute warmĆup period at an
ambient temperature between +20_ C and +30_ C before doing this
Confirm that there is no output being performed by verifying that the RUN LED
is not on. If the LED is on, push the RUN button to turn it off.
NOTE. Some calibration items may fail if you start calibration while output is
being performed.
Do the following steps to verify that the internal adjustments have passed:
1. Push UTILITY (front-panel)!Diag (bottom)! Execute Calibration
This executes the AWG710 Arbitrary Waveform Generator calibration
routines automatically.
The internal calibration does an extensive verification of proper AWG710
Arbitrary Waveform Generator functions. While this verification progresses, the
message box displaying Executing Calibration appears on the screen. When
finished, the resulting status will appear in the message box as shown in
Figure 4–2.