• Specifing the 32-bit indexing using “ZZ” specification.
The 32-bit indexing with “ZZ” specification is available only for the following CPU
modules that the version of GX Developer is 8.68W or later.
• The first five digits of the serial No. for QnU(D)(H)CPU is “10042” or higher.
(a) Example of specifing the range of index registers for use of 32-bit indexing.
1) Each index register can be set between -2147483648 and 2147483647.
An example of indexing is shown below.
2) Specification method
For indexing with a 32-bit index register, specify the head number of an index
register to be used on the Device tab of the Q parameter setting screen on GX
Fig. 3.8 Setting windows for ZR device indexing setting parameter
When the head number of the index register used is changed on the Device tab of
the Q parameter setting screen, do not change the parameters only or do not write
only the parameters into the programmable controller. Be sure to write the param-
eter into the programmable controller with the program.
When the parameter is forced to be written into the programmable controller, an
error of CAN'T EXE. PRG. occurs. (Error code: 2500)
K40000 Z0
Stores 40000 at Z0.
Stores the data of ZR10Z0=
ZR{10+40000}=ZR40010 at D0.
GX Developer 8.68R or earlier
GX Deveioper 8.68W or later