(1) There are two searching methods that depend on whether SM750 is on or off.
(2) When the scaling conversion data are set in ascending order, the searching
methods change from one to the other depending on the SM750 status.
Therefore, the processing speed also changes. The number of searches
determines the processing speed. Fewer number of serches make the
processing run faster.
(a) If the data processing speed with the sequential search rises:
If the number of coordinates is highest and the input value is within
the coordinate range from 1 to 15 point, the number of sequential
searches will be 15 or smaller. Therefore, the data processing speed with
the sequential search will rise.
(b) If the data processing speed with the binary search rises:
f the maximum number of searches is 15 and the input value is out of
the coordinate range, 16 or over, the number of binary searches will be
equal to the number of sequential numbers or smaller. Therefore, the
data processing speed with the binary search will rise.
SM750 Searching method Range of number of searches
OFF Sequential search
1 Number of times 32767
ON Binary search
1 Number of times 15
Number of coordinate points=32767
Number of sequential searches=32767
Number of binary searches=15
Number of sequential searches=1
Number of binary searches=15
The processing speed with sequential searches
rises since the number of binary searches is
larger than the number of sequential searches.
The processing speed with binary search
rises since the number of binary searches is
smaller than the number of sequential searches.