2.5.11 Character string processing instructions .................................................................... 2 - 43
2.5.12 Special function instructions ....................................................................................... 2 - 46
2.5.13 Data control instructions ............................................................................................. 2 - 49
2.5.14 Switching instructions ................................................................................................. 2 - 51
2.5.15 Clock instructions ....................................................................................................... 2 - 52
2.5.16 Expansion clock instruction ........................................................................................ 2 - 55
2.5.17 Program control instructions....................................................................................... 2 - 56
2.5.18 Other instructions ....................................................................................................... 2 - 57
2.5.19 Instructions for Data Link............................................................................................ 2 - 59
2.5.20 Multiple CPU dedicated instruction............................................................................. 2 - 60
2.5.21 Multiple CPU high-speed transmission dedicated instruction..................................... 2 - 60
2.5.22 Redundant system instructions (For Redundant CPU) .............................................. 2 - 61
3.1 Configuration of Instructions 3 - 2
3.2 Designating Data 3 - 3
3.2.1 Using bit data................................................................................................................ 3 - 3
3.2.2 Using word (16 bits) data.............................................................................................. 3 - 4
3.2.3 Using double word data (32 bits).................................................................................. 3 - 6
3.2.4 Using real number data ................................................................................................ 3 - 8
3.2.5 Using character string data......................................................................................... 3 - 11
3.3 Indexing 3 - 12
3.4 Indirect Specification 3 - 23
3.5 Reducing Instruction Processing Time 3 - 25
3.5.1 Subset Processing...................................................................................................... 3 - 25
3.5.2 Operation processing with standard device registers (Z)
(only Universal model QCPU) ............................................................................ 3 - 26
3.6 Cautions on Programming (Operation Errors) 3 - 27
3.7 Conditions for Execution of Instructions 3 - 33
3.8 Counting Step Number 3 - 34
3.9 Operation when the OUT, SET/RST, or PLS/PLF Instructions Use the Same Device 3 - 39
3.10 Precautions for Use of File Registers 3 - 44
4. HOW TO READ INSTRUCTIONS 4 - 1 to 4 - 4
5. SEQUENCE INSTRUCTIONS 5 - 1 to 5 - 60
5.1 Contact Instructions 5 - 2
5.1.1 Operation start, series connection, parallel connection (LD,LDI,AND,ANI,OR,ORI).... 5 - 2
5.1.2 Pulse operation start, pulse series connection, pulse parallel connection
(LDP,LDF,ANDP,ANDF,ORP,ORF) ..................................................................... 5 - 5
5.1.3 Pulse NOT operation start, pulse NOT series connection, pulse NOT parallel connection
(LDPI,LDFI,ANDPI,ANDFI,ORPI,ORFI) ............................................................... 5 - 7
5.2 Association Instructions 5 - 10
5.2.1 Ladder block series connection and parallel connection (ANB,ORB) ........................ 5 - 10
5.2.2 Operation results push,read,pop (MPS,MRD,MPP) ................................................... 5 - 12