-Verify emulation memory (MB2141)
Figure 4.4-9 Memory Operation Dialog (Verify Emulation Memory)
To collate user memory with emulation memory, open the [Verify Emulation Memory] tag, then set the
collocation start address and collation end address.
-Start Address
Specify the address at which collation is to be started. Collating user memory with emulation memory
is started at this address.
-End Address
Specify the end address of the collation source area. Collating user memory with emulation memory
is continued to this address.
■ Comparing memory blocks
To compare memory blocks, click the right mouse button in the Memory Window to display the menu, then
select [Compare] from the menu. The comparison dialog shown in Figure 4.4-10 opens.
-Start Address
Specifies start address of comparison source area. Memory block comparison is started from this
-End Address
Specifies end address of comparison source area. Memory block comparison is continued up to this
-Target Address
Specifies start address of comparison destination area.