
7. System Configuration
The changes will be applied to the display.
Image 7-17
Group changes selected
Image 7-18
Group changes
7.3.9 Z-Order
The layer sequence in which windows will be displayed in relation to one another.
Z-order change
It is possible to adjust the Z-Order or layering scheme of the windows in relation to one another.
1. Click with the right mouse butt
on upon any particular source. (image 7-19)
A pop-up window appears. (image 7-20)
2. Select from the four choices t
o change the order of the layering.
One Up
moves the selected source up one layer
One down
moves the selected source dow
n one layer
To front
moves the selected source to the top layer
To back moves the selected source to the bottom layer
Image 7-19
Image 7-20
Z-order windows
7.3.10 Aspect Ratio
Aspect ratio
horizontal & vertical dimension in which the window will be displayed, e.g. 4 by 3 or 16 by 9.
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