12. D320Lite Configuration
Moving via the coordinates
1. Change the X and Y coordinate of the monitor preview by pushing the + or - button
by entering the new values with the keyboard. (image 12-13)
Image 12-13
Changing the position
The width and height of the monitor preview window is fixed on 800 x 600 pixels.
12.4.3 Settings
How to set
1. Check FRC (Frame rate conversion) if the video signal is out of range. (image 12-14)
When checked, it generates a continuous sync with delay.
This Frame Rate Conversion option exclude the Lock on HSync.
2. Check Lock on HSync in all other cases, especially when working wit
h moving images.
When checked, it generates discontinued sync with minimal delay. It avoids shaking images.
This Lock on HSync option exclude the Frame Rate Conversion.
3. Horizontal sync polarity can be positive or negative. The position depends on the monitor.
4. Vertical sync polarity can be positive or negative. The position depends on the monitor.
Image 12-14
178 R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005