13. Input Slots for D320 series
13.9.3 Black balance
Image 13-13
Black balance
As the input balance is factory adjusted, the black balance can be used to correct mismatches of the input
signal. Green will be taken as a reference. Adjust Red and Blue until the correct black balance is obtained
(relative cut-off adjustment in comparison with green). Utilize the slider of each color or click in the input
field and enter the desired value (range -127 to +127).
13.9.4 White balance
Image 13-14
White balance
As the input balance is factory adjusted, the white balance can be used
to correct mismatches of the input
signal. Green will be taken as a reference. Adjust Red and Blue until the correct white balance is obtained
(relative gain adjustment in comparison with green). Utilize the slider of each color or click in the input
field and enter the desired value (range -127 to +127).
13.9.5 AMD System Auto Measurement
The system will search for the best fitting file (resoluti
on and frame rate). This file will be loaded.
1. Check the checkbox next to Auto Measurement
Auto Measurement active
Not checked
Manual selection of file activated. Manual file selection
How to select ?
1. Double cl
ick on the desired file (1). (image 13-15)
This file will be loaded. The name of the file will be displayed in the box just below the list of files (3).
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005