23. Maintenance Page
Image 23-19
Info window level 2 calibration ILite 8 and ILite 10
Start up of the color calibration for a stacked configuration
1. Click on Color Calibration. (image 23-20)
The color calibration page for a stacked configuration appears. (image 23-21)
2. Select the calibration range.
From / to address Fill out the from till address in the box below. Only this range will
be calibrated.
All tiles in selected screen All tiles in the selected screen will be calibrated.
All tiles in selected display All tiles in the selected display will be calibrated.
All similar tiles All similar tiles in the stack will be calibrated.
To exclude some tiles, click on a tile or make a multiple selection by pressing the Ctrl key. The back-
ground becomes red. Check the box Exclude from calibration.
3. Select the Color temperature in the combo box ’Color temperature’ the tiles have to be calibrated with.
4. For SLite tiles, select White Balance or RGB + White Balance.
5. Click
to start calibration.
Image 23-20
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