24. Monitoring Page AEC Settings
How to set up
1. Select one of the AEC devices out of the combo box to which the settings are applied. (image 24-4)
2. Enter the weight of the selected AEC by clicking in the field next to Weight and entering with digit keys
on your keyboard.
Note: When only one AEC is available the value will be 100%.
3.Activatethesensors1to4byclickingontheOn or Off key.
4. Enter the weight for each sensor by clicking in the input field of the sensor and entering the value with
the digit keys on your keyboard.
5. Click on
to activate the sensors.
6. Click on Init AEC to calibrate the AEC.
Note: Only at installation
Image 24-4
AEC Monitoring window
How to initialise the AEC for optimal working
Initialising the AEC is setting the contrast of the display in proportion to the environment light.
1. Set the working limits of the AEC: these are the minimum and maximum contrast. (
These limits actually
limit the contrast of the display, not he AEC measurements).
2. Set the contrast of the wall so the image on the wall is visible for the current environment light.
If it is a normal clear day set the wall on 3000 nit. If it is a very sunny day, you might set the wall to
4500 nit.
3. When the Init AEC is pressed, the AEC will measure the environment light and get the display contrast
that has been set. Both values are then used for calculating the new display contrast for the changing
environment light.
For proper working of the AEC, beware that the display contrast, set before the initiali-
sation, is within the working limits of the AEC. If it is not the display contrast will directly
clip to one of the limits once the AEC monitoring is started and therefore the wall will
have a wrong contrast for that situation. So initialisation of the AEC should be done
at a normal day (not very cloudy or sunny). e.g. if the display contrast is 4000 for a
sunny day, and the limits are 3500 and 500, when starting the AEC monitoring the dis-
play contrast will directly clip to 3500. As a result the image will be to dark for the given
environment light and therefore less visible.
CAUTION: Once the AEC is initialised it does not require further initialisation, even not
when the XLite ToolSet software is updated.
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