8. D310 Configuration
Image 8-3
Digitizer D310 settings
All settings are source specific. Advanced Settings
Clampgating (ON/OFF)
Clampgating is to be used for video with Macrovision Protecti
sion Protection: Pseudo Sync Pulses and modulated AGC pulses With Clampgating ON, clamp is switched
off during vertical flyback, what avoid clampdrift on Macrovision AGC pulses.
H Filter (ON/OFF)
H-filter is to be used with image-compression with a factor higher than two.
Dynamic Image Stabilizer Flash (ON/OFF)
To compensate for fast changing images, the DIS F
lash will detect such changes from frame to frame and
automatically adjust the DIS response.
Dynamic Image Stabilizer 3D Slide (ON/Off)
DIS 3D Slide will keep the same characteristic than the DIS but the effect will be more intense.
Vref Origin (From PLL/ From Direct Composite)
Vref Origin, possible selections :
• From Direct Composite
Use Direct composite only for a VCR if this VCR is in fast forward mode or Freez mode.
Use PLL for all other situations.
Insert Blanking (ON/OFF)
Will insert blanking on the monitor in the parts of the image that are not displayed on the DLite Display.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005