8. D310 Configuration Image Processing
Adjustable from 0 to 15 with the corresponding slider. Saturation is the intensity of the color, 0 will be black
Adjustable from 0 to 127 with the corresponding slider.
Tint (or hue) is the parameter of color that allows to distinguish between colors, 0 will give a more red
image and 127 a greener one.
Only possible for NTSC video / S-video input.
Adjustable from -31 to +31 with the corresponding slider.
Brightness is the intensity of the displayed signal. Brightness will add or subtract ... to the luminance part
of the signal.
Luminance Delay
Adjustable from -7 to +7 with the corresponding slider.
Luminance Delay adjust the phase between the Luma- and the Chroma- signal of the incoming video., so
Luma-Chrome timing errors in sources (color information is shifted) can be corrected.
Luma Tracking
Adjustable from -15 to 0 with the corresponding slider.
Luma Tracking prevents green haze appearing in low lights.
Clip to Subblack
Adjustable from -15 to 0 with the corresponding slider.
Clip To Subblack will filter spurious LSB’s in low lights under black-level, to prevent that spurious pixels
appear in black planes, even after Dynamic Image Stabilization.
Dynamic Image Stabilizer
The DIS causes the image to be more stabilized. In high gain displays like the DLite Display this is very
important. The DIS will filter the video in time, where 0 means no filtering and 7 very high filtering. Too
high filtering can causes smearing in fast moving video. Therefore the DIS is adjustable to achieve an
optimal performance. DIS will minimize spurious pixels in low lights, makes high contrast performance
possible and will clean up sources of lesser quality for display.
RGB Gamma
The RGB Gamma provides adjustable gamma curves on R G and B outputs, which causes to reserve a
high relative contrast, also in low lights. RGB gamma is processed in the digitizer.
If the general gamma is used, the RGB gamma should be in the "flat" position.
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