24. Monitoring Page
24.3.3 Monitoring set up
How to set up
1. Click on the ’+’ or ’-’ buttons of the hours, minutes and seconds to enter the Interval time.
click on the input field and enter the hours, minutes and seconds with the digit keys on your keyboard.
2. Click the monitoring controls by checking the check box.
The following items can be controlled:
- Temperature Control
- Diagnostics
- Ambient Environment control
3. Click on Start Monitoring to start the monitoring. The button changes in ’Stop Monitoring’.
Click on Stop Monitoring to stop the monitoring.
Note: When started, screen contrast will be updated.
24.4 Monitor Reminder Message
Reminder while closing XLite ToolSet
When the monitoring is started during the actual session of XLite ToolSet and stopped again during the
same session, when closing the XLite ToolSet a message will be displayed to announce that the monitoring
is stopped. If you want to start the monitoring again, you have to login into XLite ToolSet to restart the
Image 24-5
Monitoring message on exit
Reminder while starting XLite ToolSet
When the monitoring was switched off during the previous session of XLite ToolSet, while logging in a
message box will be displayed to asked if you want to restart the monitoring.
Image 24-6
Monitoring message on login
Click on OK to open automatically the monitoring page so that the monitoring can be switched on.
Click on Cancel if you do not want to switch on the monitoring.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005