Barco R9850042 Tool Storage User Manual

5. Wall Positioning Page
Image 5-45
Place multiple blocks
A Drag place area
B Area filled up
5.4.5 Edit existing design Load a design
First method
1. Click on the load design icon ( ).
The Choose design window opens. (image 5-46)
2. Select the desired design out of the list.
3. Click OK.
The selected design will be loaded in the designer window.
All block manipulations are now possible on that design. Therefore
, follow the instructions given in
"Block manipulations", page 63.
Image 5-46
Choose design
Second method
1. Right click on a design in stored designs pane. (image 5-47)
A pop up window appears.
2. Select Load design.
R5976380 XLITE TOOLSET 16/03/2005